Submit a managing request to profiles you want to manage.
To submit a managing request first you need to have a Manager / Agency profile to do that. If you don't have a Manager / Agency profile you can create one. After you choose by which manager profile you want to managing other profile, other user can accept or reject your managing request. If the user accepts your managing request then you become a manager of that profile and all inquiries will go to you if someone choose your manager profile to contact because one profile can have more than one manager.
CAUTION! Practically, every registered Partyaner user is already a manager. A manager/agency profile type is used just to showcase your profile(s) that you manage and to submit a managing request to other users. As long as you're an owner of the profile you created you will get the inquiries for that profile. Once you get a managing request from another user and you accept the managing request, you will still be an owner of that profile, but you will no longer get the inquiries for that profile. That's the case if you want to let your profile be managed by someone else, not you. But, if you let your profile be managed by other user and you also want to be a manager of that profile too (you want to get the inquiries), then you have to create your own manager/agency profile type and connect it with your profile you want to manage. In other words, you have to submit a managing request to yourself (your profile) and accept the managing request. In that case that profile will have more than one manager and other users can choose which manager they want to communicate with.
Read Why I'm not getting the inquiries anymore after I accepted a managing request for more information.